
JAKARTA - The Chief Expert of the Presidential Staff Office (KSP), Theo Litaay, directly inspected the condition of the Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Intel, AKBP Ferikson Tampubolon, who was the victim of a beating during a security demonstration that ended in chaos, in Jakarta, Friday, March 11.

The demonstration was held in front of the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri), with the demand to reject the expansion of the New Autonomous Region (DOB) in Papua.

"We all hope that violent incidents during demonstrations will not be repeated," said Theo, at the Tarakan Regional General Hospital, Central Jakarta, as reported by Antara, Saturday, March 12. another, Ade Irfan Pulungan, to visit and confirm the current situation of AKBP Ferikson Tampubolon. Theo stated that within the corridor of freedom of expression, demonstration activities as an effort to convey aspirations are certainly allowed, as long as they are not followed by violent practices.

“KSP requests that the expression of aspirations can be carried out without attacking security officers and disturbing public order. Hopefully this kind of violence will not happen again," said Theo.

The victim who had fallen down unconscious after the beating has now received intensive treatment. The victim also received treatment to reduce the trauma from being hit on the cheek and head.

Reported by the hospital, the victim still feels numbness in several parts of the head and will continue to be observed for the next three days. However, it is hoped that no serious complications will occur.

Theo emphasized that KSP condemns the anarchic actions carried out by the police. He emphasized that freedom of expression should not be accompanied by unlawful acts such as persecution, vandalism and assault.

Previously, the demonstration that took place on Friday (11/3) ended in chaos after the police appealed persuasively so that the masses did not demonstrate around vital objects such as the Presidential Palace area, as stipulated in Law no. 9 of 1998 concerning the Expression of Opinions in Public.

The police also appealed that the demonstration was not held to coincide with Friday prayers, so as not to disturb public order. However, a number of masses rejected the appeal and a riot ensued accompanied by violent actions.

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