PBNU Chair Alissa Wahid Calls IPPNU Cadres The Next Generation Of Organizations
PBNU General Chairman, Alissa Wahid. (Photo: Doc. Antara)


JAKARTA - Chairman of the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board Alissa Qotrunnada Munawaroh Wahid said the Nahdlatul Ulama Women's Student Association (IPPNU) cadres are the next generation of leaders for the organization.

"IPNU cadres are not only preparing themselves, but also preparing NU as a whole," said Alissa Qotrunnada Munawaroh Wahid in a written statement, quoted from Antara, Saturday, March 13.

He explained that the NU organization could not live for NU alone. NU will serve inclusively for Indonesia and world civilization. Therefore, the cadres must be prepared as much as possible.

"The best cadres from IPPNU must be prepared as well as possible as women who are involved in social transformation," she said.

Meanwhile, the General Chair of PP IPPNU Rekanita Nurul Hidayatul Ummah said that in the era of digitalization, cadres must be updated or sensitive to issues that are developing in the community.

He said that the responsibility of the IPPNU trainer in educating the cadres was not an easy job. Trainers need maximum effort in self-development as a provision to provide assistance in various trainings.

"IPPNU must be a cadre organization that is always ready and alert at all times to carry out and teach aswaja values wherever they are," said Nurul.

Indonesia, he said, became the fourth largest country in the world after China, India and the United States. Even though Indonesia has a high demographic bonus, it can backfire if it is not managed properly.

"The demographic bonus can be a benefit or a boomerang for Indonesia," he explained.

To improve the ability of cadres, IPNU has held several activities or briefings, including the National Training of Trainers (Latpelnas). The training is to produce reliable trainers at the national level.

He hopes that they have the ability and skills to analyze and design strategies to solve every problem encountered in regeneration and organization.

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