
MAKASSAR - Airlangga Hartarto hopes that South Sulawesi (South Sulawesi) should remain the voice bar for the Golkar Party in the upcoming elections. The request from the General Chairperson of the Golkar Party's DPP was conveyed by Airlangga, during the National Coordination Meeting (Rakornas) for Election Winning, in Sulawesi, in Makassar, Friday, March 11 evening.

"I ask for South Sulawesi to remain as the voice bar for the Golkar Party and I ask West Sulawesi, let's take it back," Airlangga said in front of hundreds of Golkar cadres who were present at the event.

In a Poolmark survey some time ago, Airlangga said that Golkar's vote in South Sulawesi was already above 20 percent. Far outperform the other parties. For this reason, he deliberately chose the National Coordination Meeting for the first time in South Sulawesi.

"This shows that Golkar's anchor is in South Sulawesi. We also want Golkar to win unanimously in eastern Indonesia," said Airlangga, which was greeted with thunderous applause from Golkar cadres.

Airlangga Hartarto di antara peserta Rakornas Golkar di Makassar. (Foto Istimewa)
Airlangga Hartarto was among the participants of the Golkar National Coordination Meeting in Makassar. (Special Photo)

To achieve that goal, winning the Golkar Party, Airlangga invites all leaders of members of the DPR and Provincial and Regency/Municipal DPRD so that all are determined to win the Golkar Party in 2024.

"I invite the members of the DPR RI, Provincial DPRD and Regency-City DPRD to rise up to pursue victory because you are all spearheads of the Golkar Party," said Airlangga.

The Coordinating Minister for the Economy of the Republic of Indonesia also reminded that the last victory of the Golkar Party was in 2004. Since then, Golkar has always been in the number two position. "Twenty years is enough time. Let's finish in the number two position, and let's rise to take the number one position," said Airlangga, who is also the Chair of the Committee for Handling Covid-19 and National Economic Recovery (KPCPEN).

Airlangga Hartarto. (Foto Istimewa)
Airlangga Hartarto. (Special Photo)

Airlangga Hartarto also asked all Golkar cadres not to look left and right. But looking straight ahead. Of course staring with full cohesiveness and solidity.

"As long as the yellow leaves have not curled, we will continue to fight. You don't have to look left and right, we keep going, we'll keep working on it to win," said Airlangga.

The key to this victory, Airlangga requested that all Hasta Karya organizations and other Golkar organizations have only one goal, namely the goal of winning.

“We have to turn on all mass organizations, turn on the party engine. I ask the heads of the Golkar DPD, let's activate the existing mass organizations," said Airlangga.

He also asked the Golkar Party to remain solid, and to keep the noise down. "There's no more time to be rowdy. There is no more time to make us not solid, if not solid, when will we win," said Airlangga.

The chairman of the Golkar Party reminded that the Banyan Party had a bad experience when it was not solid. “When Golkar was not solid, we only won number two. Therefore, all mass organizations must be solid, all cadres must be solid, so we can achieve victory," said Airlangga Hartarto.

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