
REJANG LEBONG - The police postponed the operation of the cooking oil market (OP) at a number of points in Rejang Lebong Regency, Bengkulu. The reason is that the masses cannot be controlled and do not comply with the health protocols (prokes) for the prevention of COVID-19.

Rejang Lebong Police Chief AKBP Tonny Kurniawan accompanied by Dandim 0409/Rejang Lebong Lt. Col. CZI Trisnu Novawan while monitoring the cooking oil operation in the Dwi Tunggal Curup Field, said the implementation of the cooking oil operation was postponed until an undetermined time limit.

"Considering that the activities at the location were not conducive, then many residents did not heed the officer's advice and did not comply with the health procedures, so we have to postpone the activities and will be rescheduled together with the distributors," he said as quoted by Antara, Friday, March 11.

He explained that the postponement of the operation of the cooking oil market was not only at the Dwi Tunggal Curup Field, but at other locations in the Setia Negara Curup Field as well as two other locations in Rimbo Recap Village, South Curup District and Taba Renah Village, North Curup District.

The operation of the cooking oil market, he said, was entirely canceled, including in a number of villages that had been previously planned. This activity will continue to see if the conditions in the field can be continued or not.

Meanwhile, a resident who was detained by members of the Rejang Lebong Police after the canceled cooking oil operation at Dwi Tunggal Field was suspected of provoking the residents so that there was almost a riot. If proven provocative then action will be taken.

"One person who was detained earlier is still being investigated for questioning first, if later there is sufficient evidence, we will process it further," he explained.

Previously, the local government in collaboration with entrepreneurs of basic necessities in the area planned to carry out cooking oil operations on March 11 and March 12, 2022 in four different locations, namely the Curup Dwi Tunggal Field and the Curup Setia Negara Field. Then in Rimbo Recap Village, South Curup District and another in Taba Renah Village, North Curup District.

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