
LOMBOK TIMUR - Rice reserves of 100 tons belonging to the Regency Government (Pemkab) of East Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, in 2022 have been distributed to the public in order to boost the acceleration of vaccination achievements against the spread of COVID-19.

"East Lombok's rice reserves have been issued as requested by the local government. We have released 100 tons of spare rice," said East Lombok Bulog Sub-Division Head Ihsan Hanafi in Selong as reported by Antara, Friday, March 11.

According to him, Bulog's task is only to issue the reserve rice in accordance with the number of requests from the local government, in this case the Regent as the leader in East Lombok.

Because the Regent gave the authority to the Social Service to issue the reserve rice, after all the administrative completeness was in accordance with the existing provisions.

"Still, the Regent who signs can only be issued the reserve rice," he said.

Hanafi said that if you look at the use of reserve rice, it is in accordance with existing provisions. With a designation for the COVID-19 emergency response in order to accelerate vaccination.

"The local government gives the rice to the community to speed up vaccination. If you look at the use of reserve rice, it is in accordance with existing regulations," he said.

The achievement of the first dose of vaccination in East Lombok is 90 percent. Meanwhile, the second dose of vaccination is still below 80 percent.

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