
JAKARTA - The DPR asked the government to immediately formulate a new health protocol (prokes) after various easing and adjustments in responding to the current situation of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Member of Commission IX of the DPR Rahmad Handoyo, assessed that various adjustments such as KRL passengers and congregational prayers were no longer distanced, making the 3M program which has been the main weapon in dealing with the COVID-19 outbreak, needs to be reformulated.

"This is to avoid misperceptions," said Rahmad to reporters, Friday, March 11.

The PDIP politician said he agreed with the government's adjustment measures. It's just that, said Rahmad, the community also needs to be given a complete explanation regarding the new prokes.

"Need a complete explanation, how is the procedure? Is the adjustment required to use masks and wash hands? For example, in KRL and places of worship, there is no need to maintain distance, then what about other closed places?," he explained.

The Central Java legislator encouraged the Government to use a "gas and brake" strategy in implementing policy easing. Because, said Rahmad, although various easings have been carried out, the precautionary principle must continue to be put forward in dealing with COVID-19.

"If it turns out that after the adjustments, the indicators show things that are worrying in public health, it will be immediately evaluated to pull the brake lever to return with tightening," he said.

Rahmad added, in controlling COVID-19, which is gradually improving, it still requires the cooperation of all parties to evaluate the adjustment. According to him, vaccination alone is not enough if you neglect to implement the 3M program.

"At this time, it is a transitional period, so people must continue to implement health protocols," he said.

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