
NTB - NTB Police Investigators are now handling allegations of money laundering (TPPU) in the case of embezzlement of funds from the Bima Teacher Training and Education College (STKIP).

The Director of General Criminal Investigation (Dirreskrimum) of the NTB Polda Kombes Hari Brata said that the development of the case into the realm of money laundering was due to a request from the private campus so that the embezzled funds could be re-entered as operational support.

"So if you want the foundation's money back, it must be extended to the TPPU," said Hari in Mataram, Antara, Friday, March 11.

However, they have not taken any steps. But still waiting for an official report from the campus management foundation. Because to investigate money laundering offenses, it is necessary to deepen both the examination of witnesses and the collection of evidence, such as documents and assets of the suspects.

"Actually, we can continue (TPPU). But we have to wait proactively from the foundation," he said.

Nevertheless, Hari said that his party had monitored the assets of the suspects when they were still involved in the embezzlement case. "There are movable and immovable objects, we will monitor them," he said.

Even from the process of investigating embezzlement cases, an independent audit found the campus losses amounting to Rp. 19.335 billion. The value is suspected to flow to five suspects.

"So the use of funds is fictitious. It cannot be accounted for," he said.

The five suspects in this case have the initials HA, Head of STKIP Bima for the 2016-2020 period; MF, Chairman of STKIP Bima Foundation for the 2019-2020 period; HM, Head of General Administration for the 2016-2019 period; AA, Head of General Administration for the 2019-2020 period; and AZ, Deputy Chair I for Academic Affairs for the 2016-2019 period.

The case was handled by investigators based on the police report number LP/360/XI/2020/NTB/SPKT, dated November 20, 2020. The report relates to the alleged embezzlement of the STKIP Bima budget for the 2016-2020 period.

The five are indicated to have embezzled the budget of the private university by submitting a request for a program plan that has nothing to do with lecture activities. They are strongly suspected of using the budget for personal purposes.

Regarding the development of the embezzlement case, Hari confirmed that his party had completed the investigation process and transferred the suspect and evidence to the public prosecutor (JPU).

"Maybe now the case is already in the trial process at the Bima Court," said Hari.

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