
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has arrested a private party, Tigor Prakasa. He is the one who gave bribes to the former Tulungagung Regent, Syahri Mulyo, related to the procurement of goods and services.

"KPK has raised the status of this case to the investigation stage by announcing the suspect giving it, namely TP, private sector," said KPK Deputy Chair Alexander Marwata in an online press conference, Friday, March 11.

Furthermore, Tigor will be detained at the KPK Rutan Kavling C1 branch for the next 20 days until March 30. This effort was made to facilitate the investigation of the alleged bribery.

Alexander said that Tigor as the Director of PT Kediri Putra, who is a contractor for various projects at the PUPR Office of Tulung Agung Regency, was suspected of taking a special approach to a number of parties. One of these parties was Syahri Mulyo, who at that time served as the Regent of Tulungagung for the 2013-2018 period.

From this special approach, Tigor then gave a fee to Syahri Mulyo in an amount that varied according to the value of the work contract.

"The project fee is allegedly agreed upon both before and after the project is carried out," said Alexander. The details of the project carried out by Tigor are as follows: In 2016 he worked on several projects with a total project value of around Rp. 64 billion and the fees given were estimated to be around Rp. 8.6 billion;2. In 2017 he worked on several projects with a total project value of around Rp. 26 billion and the fees given were estimated to be around Rp. 3.9 billion;3. In 2018 he worked on several projects with a total project value of around Rp. 24 billion with the fee given being estimated to be around Rp. 2 billion.

For his actions, Tigor as the giver is suspected of violating Article 5 paragraph (1) letter a or Article 5 paragraph (1) letter b or Article 13 of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by the Law of the Republic of Indonesia. Indonesia Number 20 of 2001 concerning Amendments to Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption.

For information, Syahri Mulyo has been sentenced to 10 years in prison and fined Rp. 700 million for accepting bribes. Apart from Syahri, the KPK has also named Agung Prayitno as a private company, Sutrisno as the Head of PUPR for the Tulungagung Regency Government, and Susilo Prabowo as a private sector contractor or contractor.

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