
JAKARTA - Member of Commission VI of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Subardi, said that the steps taken by Pertamina President Commissioner Basuki Tjahja Purnama alias Ahok to spread the issue of this state-owned company to the public were inappropriate. According to him, Ahok should coordinate with those who sit as the main commissioner and other commissioners and summon the board of directors afterwards to discuss the problem.

Moreover, as President Commissioner of Pertamina, the former Governor of DKI Jakarta has a role to supervise. To carry out his role, he has the right to make decisions through the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) if necessary.

"The things that are detrimental to the company, Ahok should be able to (overcome, ed). You don't have to shout for help from others," said Subardi in an online discussion broadcast on YouTube, Sunday, September 20.

He considered that this internal Pertamina problem did not need to be conveyed directly to the public. As a commissioner, Ahok should first discuss this issue internally by optimizing the functions and powers he has.

"Try meeting with a fellow commissioner. A commissioner is not alone, he has a commissioner, then an ordinary commissioner, and so on. Meet, ask for a response from the existing commissioners," he said.

"Only then will they be reprimanded. Invited to a meeting whose names are the directors of various directors and others. That's where corrective measures are appropriate," added this NasDem politician.

Subardi then reminded Ahok to be careful in speaking in the future. There should be no commotion over his statement.

"Seeing something must be comprehensive, not only limited to what is seen in front of the eye and then commenting. If the voice is probably me, no one has commented, no one responds, but because of what Mr. Ahok's comments are, all comments. This is the problem," he said. he.

"So be careful when people have become the public's attention, you have to be careful when talking," he added.

Some time ago Ahok had teased Pertamina regarding a number of things such as the acquisition of oil wells abroad from debt and his findings regarding Pertamina's inefficiency regarding the construction of an oil refinery. After Ahok threw the insinuation, BUMN Minister Erick Thohir then summoned the former DKI Jakarta Governor to his office and held a closed meeting.

According to the Special Staff of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Arya Sinulingga, BUMN Minister Erick Thohir asked Pertamina Main Commissioner Basuki Tjahja Purnama or who is usually called Ahok to focus on fixing internal problems in the state-owned company.

Arya said this was conveyed by Erick when he had a meeting with Ahok some time ago after the former Governor of DKI Jakarta teased Pertamina regarding a number of things such as the acquisition of oil wells abroad from debt and his findings regarding the inefficiency of Pertamana regarding the construction of an oil refinery.

"Pak Erick reminded him that Mr. Ahok was a commut, right? As a commut he had internal authority, right at Pertamina. So he was asked to finish it internally because he had the authority and he was the supervisor there," said Arya.

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