
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is investigating the initial plan to give money to the inactive Surabaya Court Judge Itong Isnaeni Hidayat. This investigation was carried out by examining the staff of Hendro Kasiono's lawyer, Lilia Mustika Dewi.

Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement, Ali Fikri, said that Lilia was questioned on Thursday, March 10, at the East Java Police Ditreksrimsus Office. From that examination, investigators are looking into the matter of giving money by Hendro Kasiono to Itong, who is hearing the case for the dissolution of PT Soyu Giri Primedika (SGP).

"Lilia Mustika Dewi, staff attorney Hendro Kasiono was present and confirmed, among other things, regarding the alleged initial plan to give some money to suspect IIH," said Ali in a written statement, Friday, March 11.

Not only that, the KPK is also investigating the initial formation of PT SGP and its business activities. This search, said Ali, was carried out by asking for information from two witnesses, namely Liem Maria Meilasari and Christian Sunaryo, who are private parties.

"Both of them were present and confirmed regarding the initial formation of PT SGP (Soyu Giri Primedika) and its business activities," he said. Previously, the KPK appointed Surabaya District Court Judge Itong Isnaeni Hidayat inactive and substitute clerk Hamdan as recipients of bribes. While the giver is a lawyer and representative of PT Soyu Giri Primedika, Hendro Kasiono.

This bribe was given by Hendro Kasiono so that the decision on the PT SGP case was according to his party's wishes, namely that the company was declared disbanded with a divisible asset value of IDR 50 billion.

The money given by Hendro to Hamdan was carried out in the parking lot of the Surabaya District Court Building amounting to Rp140 million as a sign of completion. However, before the money was in the hands of Judge Itong, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) carried out a hand arrest operation (OTT).

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