
SURABAYA - Hundreds of truck drivers throughout East Java demanded the government to clarify the regulation of Over Load Over Dimensions (ODOL).

They made the demands during a demonstration in front of the East Java Transportation Service (Dishub) office, on Jalan A. Yani Surabaya, Friday, March 11.

"We're basically just asking for clarity, certainty about the ODOL regulation," said the coordinator of the East Java Drivers Movement (GSJT) action, Supriyono.

In this action, continued Supriyono, the drivers brought four demands against the government. First, the drivers protested that there was still action against the freight transport fleet, even though it was in accordance with the procedure.

"Then secondly, we asked for an explanation about the fleet test. We hope that there will be convenience for us," he said.

The third demand, the truck drivers ask for a policy of tariff regulation/cost of logistics transportation, certainty of cargo, withholding costs, and justice when taking action in the field. As well as revising Law No. 22 of 2009 which is considered to be discrediting drivers.

"We also asked the East Java Transportation Agency to reprimand those who deviated during the delivery of goods transportation tests," he said.

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