
JAKARTA - Political observers from Paramadina University mentioned the proposal for the 2024 election to be postponed for the next two years. According to him, Indonesia needs to have a change of leader in order to improve all situations, especially the economy.

Hensat, as he is known, initially stated that there were a number of basic needs that were in shortage and prices had increased.

Through his personal Twitter account, Hensat detailed rare staples including cooking oil, granulated sugar and fertilizer. Meanwhile, the staples that experienced price hikes were meat, eggs, soybeans, and gas.

Hensat also said that there was an increase in prices for toll road tariffs and Pertamax Turbo fuel.

"If there is something missing, please add it, if there is something wrong, please correct it. This is important so that the government also knows and makes improvements," Hensat wrote on his Twitter account @satriohendri, on Friday, March 11.

The founder of the KedaiKOPI survey, then mentioned about the implementation of the 2024 General Election. According to him, Indonesia will never run out of stock of qualified leaders.

Therefore, he believes that the presidential election must still be held on February 14, 2024 so that Indonesia can change to a better leader.

“How can it be replaced and the people can continue to be better. There is always hope, for the sake of Indonesia, February 14, 2024, let's take turns," said Hensat.

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