
JAKARTA - The Judicial Commission (KY) will analyze the cassation decision of former Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Edhy Prabowo. This step was taken after the Supreme Court (MA) cut the sentence for the former Gerindra Party politician from 9 years in prison to 4 years in prison.

However, this analysis can only be carried out after this institution receives a copy of the decision from the Supreme Court.

"KY is currently collecting more complete information, especially through a copy of the complete verdict which has not been obtained to this day," said KY Spokesperson Miko Ginting to VOI, Friday, March 11.

Miko said that KY does have the authority to analyze decisions that have permanent legal force. Not only that, they also have the authority to maintain and enforce the code of ethics and code of conduct for judges.

"What is certain is that the corridor of authority of the Judicial Commission is in terms of maintaining and enforcing the code of ethics and the code of conduct for judges. As long as suspected behavior violations are found, the Judicial Commission can follow up," he said.

"Another authority that can be exercised by KY is to analyze decisions that have permanent legal force," added Miko.

As previously reported, the Supreme Court reduced Edhy Prabowo's sentence from 9 years to 5 years in prison. In its consideration, the cassation panel said the former minister had done a good job.

The decision was voted on by the assembly consisting of Sofyan Sitompul, Gazalba Saleh, and Sinintha Yuliansih Sibarani on March 7 last. December 2016 and replaced it with the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Regulation No. 12/PERMEN-KP/2020 which aims to utilize lobster seeds.

"That is, they want to empower fishermen and also to cultivate them because lobster in Indonesia is very large. Furthermore, in the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Regulation Number 12/PERMEN-KP/2020, exporters are required to obtain lobster clear seeds (BBL) from small fishermen who catch BBL," taken from the consideration of the appeal.

"So it is clear that the defendant's actions are for the welfare of the community, especially small fishermen," added the consideration of the cassation panel.

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