
JAKARTA - Minister of Religion (Menag) Yaqut Cholil Qoumas said that the bride and groom are required to undergo a medical examination three months before marriage. At the launch of the pre-marital health examination program to prevent stunting which was followed online from Jakarta, Friday March 11, he said that the application of the examination requirements Health before marriage for the bride and groom is part of an effort to prevent stunting, chronic malnutrition that causes stunted growth so that the child becomes tengkes or stunted.​​​​​​​​​​​​​This examination is only a requirement for marriage, while the result is not. If the result is not good there will be assistance so that there will be improvements for the bride and groom. When pregnant, the baby is not stunted. So everyone can still get married but must be checked," Yaqut said, quoted by Antara. and take care of so that children who are later born can grow up healthy and develop well. The Minister of Religion emphasized the importance of stunting prevention efforts in an effort to create a superior future generation of the nation. Stunting prevention efforts, according to him, are part of religious orders to prepare a generation that is strong. "Prevention of stunting for brides and grooms is actually a religious order, not just a state order. If the state order is certain that sometimes people violate it, there are still a lot of people. But this is a religious order, it must be emphasized because preparing the best generation is a prophetic treatise," he said. Yaqut stated the importance of involvement of all parties in efforts to overcome the stunting problem.

Therefore, the Ministry of Religion has increased the role of the Office of Religious Affairs and religious instructors in efforts to combat stunting. The head of the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) Hasto Wardoyo said that the health examination of the prospective bride and groom is important to prevent stunting. Examination of hemoglobin levels in the blood as well as measurements of upper arm circumference, height, and weight will indicate the health condition of the candidate Ibu. From the results of the examination, it will be known whether the prospective mother has anemia, chronic energy deficiency, or malnutrition, conditions that can later affect the health of the child being born. BKKBN. Family Assistance Team (TP K) will then monitor the condition of the prospective mother based on the data entered into the Elsimil Application. "Women whose upper arm circumference is less than 23.5 centimeters may marry. But if you want to get pregnant, you must first increase your nutrition so that your child will not be stunted," said Hasto. The government is trying to reduce the stunting rate to 14 percent by 2024. According to government data, the number of stunting cases has fallen to 24.4 percent in 2018. 2021.

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