
JAKARTA - Airlangga Hartarto brought a group of Golkar Party officials when he visited the NasDem Tower to meet the host, Surya Paloh. In one of the groups, there was the figure of Airin Rachmi Diany.

Likewise, when Surya Paloh received the Golkar group. He included Ahmad Sahroni. There was even a group photo between Surya Paloh - Ahmad Sahroni - Airlangga Hartarto - Airin Rachmi Diany on the sidelines of the meeting.

A coincidence because the names of Airin Rachmi Diany and Ahmad Sahroni are predicted to run in the upcoming 2024 DKI gubernatorial election.

Is this a sign?

Previously, the NasDem Party had explicitly proposed that Ahmad Sahroni be the Cagub DKI in the upcoming 2024 Pilkada. It was the chairman of the Nasdem faction of the DKI DPRD, Wibi Andrino, who said that.

Currently, Ahmad Sahroni serves as General Treasurer of the Nasdem Party DPP, Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the DPR RI, and was recently lined up as chairman of the Formula E executive committee.

"God willing, Sahroni will be supported as a candidate for governor of DKI," said Wibi, last January 6.

Wibi admitted that this proposal was considered by the Nasdem DPP. Wibi views, Sahroni is a figure who has high electability in DKI at this time. Moreover, Crazy Rich Tanjung Priok has also had time to spread his billboards in various parts of Jakarta.

Likewise with Airin Rachmi Diany. The former mayor of South Tangerang for these two terms has been widely linked as one of the eligible candidates to run in the 2024 DKI Jakarta Pilkada.

Support came from the Golkar Tangsel DPD, who confirmed that they would support Airin if she ran for the DKI Jakarta gubernatorial election. The experience of leading South Tangerang for 10 years is considered enough to fight in Jakarta.

The experience is enough to become capital because South Tangerang is considered a miniature of Jakarta.

At a press conference after holding a closed meeting, Airlangga Hartarto seemed to give a hint about this duet. Airin and Sahroni's names were called by Airlangga.

"In addition, we saw that Mrs. Airin and Mr. Sahroni were also present here. Where is it? So we know that the discussion is not only about macro, but also micro-details," said Airlangga, greeted with laughter.

"So, Mr. Sahroni and Mrs. Airin, we invite Mr. Sahroni and Mrs. Airin to speak first later, not at noon today," he said.

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