
JAKARTA - The World Health Organization (WHO) advised Ukraine to destroy high-threat pathogens placed in the country's public health laboratories, to prevent a 'potential spill' that would spread disease among the population, the agency told Reuters on Thursday.

Biosecurity experts say the movement of Russian troops into Ukraine and the bombing of its cities have increased the risk of escaping disease-causing pathogens if any of these facilities are damaged.

Like many other countries, Ukraine has a public health laboratory that researches ways to reduce the threat of dangerous diseases affecting animals and humans including, most recently, COVID-19. It is known, the Ukrainian laboratory has received support from the United States, European Union and WHO.

In response to a question from Reuters about its work with Ukraine before and during the Russian invasion, the WHO said in an email it had been collaborating with Ukrainian public health laboratories for several years, to promote safety practices that help prevent "accidental or intentional release of pathogens."

"As part of this work, WHO has strongly recommended to the Ministry of Health in Ukraine and other agencies responsible for destroying high-threat pathogens to prevent potential spills," the WHO said.

The WHO did not say when it had made recommendations or provided specifics about the types of pathogens or toxins stored in Ukrainian laboratories. The agency also did not answer questions about whether its recommendations were followed.

Meanwhile, Ukrainian officials in Kyiv and at their embassy in Washington did not respond to requests for comment.

Ukrainian laboratory capabilities have been at the center of a burgeoning information war since Russia began moving troops into Ukraine to carry out an invasion two weeks ago.

On Wednesday, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova reiterated the long-standing claim that the United States operates a biowarfare laboratory in Ukraine, a charge Washington and Kyiv have repeatedly denied.

Zakharova said documents found by Russian troops in Ukraine showed "emergency efforts to remove evidence of a military biological program" by destroying laboratory samples. Reuters could not independently confirm the information.

In response, a spokesman for the Ukrainian presidency said: "Ukraine categorically denies such accusations." A US government spokeswoman also strongly denied Zakharova's allegations, saying Russia could use her claims as a pretext to deploy chemical or biological weapons of its own.

To note, the WHO statement does not refer to biowarfare. The agency said it encouraged all parties to cooperate in the "safe and secure disposal of any pathogens they encounter, and to reach out to necessary technical assistance." It offers assistance wherever possible with technical guidance and coordination.

Meanwhile, the United Nations Security Council will convene on Friday at Russia's request, diplomats said, to discuss Moscow's claims, put forward without evidence, about US biological activity in Ukraine.

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