
JAKARTA - Army Chief of Staff (KSAD) General Dudung Abdurachman wants to recruit graduate students to join the TNI. Dudung's wish was immediately greeted by the leadership of Dayah Darul Ihsan in Siem Village, Darusalam District, Aceh Besar District.

Dudung did have a special reason why he wanted to recruit students. He believes that a santri who will be recruited as a member of the TNI has the provision of religious knowledge, both in terms of aqidah and in terms of morals. Dudung said that a santri who graduated from a boarding school was believed to be able to teach good religious knowledge to the community and the TNI and to teach love to the Indonesian nation and state.

Mr. HM Hasan Krueng Kalee as the founder of Dayah Darul Ihsan and Tgk H. Muhammad Faisal, as the leader of Dayah Darul Ihsan said, currently there are alumni from the Islamic boarding school who have become TNI soldiers and there is a lot of interest from students to become soldiers.

"Alhamdulillah, today we have many alumni and our alumni are scattered everywhere, some are studying in Egypt, Yemen, Oman, Malaysia and UIN on the island of Java, and some are also soldiers," said Muhammad Faisal to General Dudung who come visit, Thursday 10 March.

Muhammad Faisal hoped that the quota for the recruitment of Indonesian Army soldiers from santri could be increased. Because the enthusiasm of the students is quite a lot.

Especially in Dayah Darul Ihsan itself, there are already 30 students who have registered to become Indonesian Army soldiers through this recruitment.

"Hopefully with the support of the government, we can continue to do and serve our religion and nation and country. Hopefully what we are doing here will be blessed by Allah SWT," he said.

Dudung said, in addition to the regular recruitment of TNI AD soldiers, special recruitments from santri and interfaith were added. The hope is that at least the students have maintained morals and guaranteed devotion.

So when you become a soldier you will be a person who is well-behaved and friendly to the people.

"Hopefully the students from Dayah Darul Ihsan who have registered to become TNI AD soldiers will get all of them graduated. For that, from now on, prepare physically and mentally, because being a soldier is not easy," said the Army Chief of Staff, as in a written statement from Dispenad.

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