
JAKARTA - The suspect in the investment fraud case of the Indosurya Savings and Loans Cooperative (KSP), Suwito Ayub, is suspected of fleeing abroad. Bareskrim through the International Relations Division (Divhubinter) of the National Police also coordinated with Interpol to apply for the issuance of a red notice.

"Regarding the search for suspect Suwito Ayub, here we have asked Interpol to issue a red notice," said the Director of Special Economic Crimes at the National Police Criminal Investigation Agency Brigadier General Whisnu Hermawan to reporters, Thursday, March 10.

Efforts to apply for the issuance of a red notice are expected to help identify the whereabouts of the suspect for arrest.

"Hopefully, with the P2P route, we can find out the whereabouts of Suwito Ajub, who is suspected of being abroad," said Whisnu.

Suwito Ayub, who was named a suspect in an investment fraud case, allegedly fled to Singapore using a fake passport.

The existence of Suwito Ayub in Singapore is based on the information obtained. Where, he is said to have crossed into Singapore at the end of 2021 using a different identity from the data at the Criminal Investigation Department.

"Currently, information has been obtained that the suspect Ayub crossed into Singapore at the end of November 2021 using a different identity from the data in the National Police and allegedly using a fake passport," said Whisnu.

In addition, the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police published a wanted list (DPO) on behalf of Suwito Ayub. He fled when investigators were about to examine him.

"We made a list of people looking for Brother Suwito Ayub," said Whisnu.

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