
JAKARTA - The National Police Chief Gen. Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo has inaugurated the Rapid Response Forces - the elite Brimob Corps troops at the Korbrimob Training Unit, Cikeas, Bogor Regency, West Java.

This troop has the nickname of the National Police Chief's Hand Strength. Prepared to deal with social conflicts/mass riots at the level of collective violence and no longer at the stage of peaceful demonstrations, security disturbances by armed groups, rescue of state officials other than the president and vice president, as well as search and rescue in contingency situations that have a massive impact, namely casualties and the affected area is quite large.

The inauguration was attended by around 1,500 personnel, beginning with a simulation of the tasks of the Brimob Corps Rapid Response Force such as handling large-scale demonstrations and security disturbances by large groups.

The simulation was witnessed directly by the National Police Chief, accompanied by Dankorbrimob Inspector General of Police Anang Revandoko and other members of the Indonesian National Police.

The National Police Chief in his remarks and directions after seeing the simulation/demonstration believed that the Brimob Corps would be more skilled and professional in carrying out their duties as an elite Polri force.

"I as the head of the police express my highest appreciation and gratitude for the dedication and loyalty of my colleagues in carrying out their duties and obligations to tackle high-intensity security and order, including carrying out humanitarian tasks," said General Sigit, Thursday, March 10.

The simulation demonstrated Brimob's ability to deal with high-intensity security challenges, disturbances and threats. The demonstration illustrates the readiness of the Brimob Police Corps in responding to the challenges of the task in facing the current uncertainty of global conditions.

"I am increasingly convinced by the demonstration that was shown to all that my colleagues in the future will be more skilled, capable and professional," said Sigit.

This troop also has a special company whose members are female police officers (Polwan), have combat capabilities, use firearms, and secure the situation from security disturbances by armed groups.

These troops also have an area tactical surveillance team or a sweeping universe team that conducts aerial observations using drones or unmanned aircraft.

The inauguration of the rapid reaction force was marked by the signing and pronunciation of the True Brimob Pledge by all Dansat Brimob Polda.

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