
JAKARTA - The government has relaxed restrictions on community activities, one of which is eliminating the obligation for PCR and antigen tests as travel requirements for those who have received the second dose of vaccine.

At the same time, the government is finalizing preparations for the implementation of MotoGP in Mandalika, West Nusa Tenggara which will be held from March 18 to 20, 2022. It is reported that ticket sales for MotoGP spectators have not yet reached the target. However, the COVID-19 Task Force emphasized that the easing of restrictions was not done in order to enliven public participation to come and watch MotoGP.

"No, it's different, it's too far away, it's only for 100 thousand spectators. There are also complexity problems, such as accommodation and others. It's not something that can be compared," said the Head of the Public Communications Division of the COVID-19 Task Force, Hery Trianto in a virtual discussion, Thursday, March 10.

Hery explained that this easing of mobility is a follow-up to balancing public health conditions in terms of the level of transmission of COVID-19 and the recovery of its economic impact.

According to him, the government is still being careful in making policy adjustments towards the transition from a pandemic to a COVID-19 endemic.

"I emphasize that the new regulations that were born from the four circulars of the Task Force follow up on the decision of the cabinet meeting led by the President, none of which loosens discipline in complying with health protocols," he said.

For information, the abolition of PCR and antigen tests as a condition for domestic travel is stated in Circular Letter Number 11 of 2022 concerning Provisions for Travel of Domestic People During the COVID-19 Pandemic which was issued as of March 8, 2022. However, the abolition of this requirement only applies to people who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 at least two doses. Meanwhile, the mandatory requirement to show 3x24 hour PCR test results or 1x24 hour antigen still applies for people who are still undergoing the first dose of COVID-19 vaccination.

For travelers with special health conditions or comorbid diseases that prevent travelers from receiving the COVID-19 vaccination, they are also required to show a negative result of the RT-PCR test whose sample was taken within a maximum period of 3x24 hours or a rapid antigen test whose sample was taken within a period of time. maximum 1x24 hours before departure.

Then, travelers with special health conditions or comorbidities are also required to attach a doctor's certificate from a government hospital stating that the person concerned has not and/or cannot take the COVID-19 vaccination. Furthermore, children under the age of 6 are not required to have a COVID-19 test.

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