
JAKARTA - The Special Forces Command (Kopassus) held a social service by distributing 2,450 food packages to underprivileged inmates in the DKI Jakarta area ahead of the Commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of Kopassus.

"Social services were carried out in the form of distributing basic necessities to the poor, totaling 2,450 packages," said Danjen Kopassus Major General Widi Prasetijono after the meatball and blood donation activities, at the Kopassus Command Center, Cijantung, East Jakarta, reported by Antara, Thursday, March 10.

The basic food packages distributed by Kopassus consisted of 7 items using cardboard packages. The parcel contained basic necessities, such as 5 kilograms of rice, 1 liter of cooking oil, 1 kilogram of sugar, 1 sachet of 225 ml of soy sauce, 1 packet of 50 gram instant cooking spices, wheat flour, and 5 packs of instant noodles.

He said the number of food packages distributed was not too much, but it was hoped that it could inspire many parties to share with each other.

"This (later) will be carried out in all Kopassus groups, including in Solo, Serang, and Bandung. Maybe it's not much at least to provide a stimulus to other communities to continue helping people who are more difficult," said Widi.

Widi said, in commemoration of the 70th anniversary, Kopassus carried the theme 'Kopassusku, Kopassus Kita and Kopassus Indonesia'. The theme is said to have meaning if Kopassus belongs to all Indonesian people, so that whatever Kopassus does, it must provide solutions to problems for the people.

Not only that, Kopassus also held a blood donor with 500 participants, consisting of 100 Makopassus Denma, 150 people in Group 3, 150 Sat-81 people, and the Children of the Red Beret Corps (AKBM) and the Young Generation of the Sons and Daughters Communication Forum. (GM FKPPI) 100 people.

"Because we know that the blood stock at PMI is always lacking or there is always a need for new stock, so we carry out blood donations," said the Danjen Kopassus.

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