
JAKARTA - A man with the initials SDC was involved in a traffic accident at Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta. The 33-year-old man reportedly hit the wall of the house and died on the spot.

The Head of Traffic and Traffic of the South Jakarta Metro Police, AKP Sigit said, the incident occurred on Thursday, March 10, at 04.50 WIB.

"Yes, that's right (the victim died). Due to the impact on the head, lack of concentration. The victim was taken to the hospital," said Sigit when confirmed, Thursday, March 10.

Sigit explained that the incident began when the victim on his motorbike was driving from East to West in West Pejaten, Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta.

"(The victim) lacked concentration and swayed until he finally hit the wall of the house," he said.

Now the victim was taken to Fatmawati Hospital, South Jakarta for a post-mortem. This is done to find out what actually happened.

"(The victim) was taken to Fatmawati Hospital for a post-mortem. (The cause) is still waiting," he said.

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