
PURWOREJO - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo had another dialogue with residents of the pros and cons of the andesite mining plan in Wadas Village, Bener, Purworejo Regency, Wednesday night, March 9. For almost 2 hours Ganjar listened to the residents' reasons why they supported the construction of the Bener Dam and gave up their land. bought by the government and also heard the reasons of the people who were against. In the dialogue the pro-mining people asked for an accelerated compensation payment. If possible, before Lebaran has been carried out. Meanwhile, residents against andesite mining led by Baharudin and Gus Fuad stated that they still refuse to sell their land. A number of reasons were given, namely fear of environmental impacts, fears of losing agricultural land, so that the implementation of activities is not transparent, namely the Serayu Opak River Basin Center (BBWS). The resident of Wadas Fathur also expressed his heartache because he felt that he had been lied to by his own village head. He told that the local village head was able to win the village head election because he signed a political contract to refuse mining.

"It turns out that after becoming the village head, he was even pro, this hurts us, the people are erased, sir. Sorry, it's not Pak Ganjar who actually killed us but our own village head," he said in a press release received in Temanggung, Thursday, March 10. Gus Fuad requested that any activities, both land surveying and police patrolling, be stopped during this year's fasting month. "So that residents can worship in peace, Mr. Gub," he was quoted as saying by Antara. To the two groups of residents, Ganjar conveyed his commitment to continue to accompany the residents. He will continue to open a dialogue room with the pros and cons to reach a common solution. "There is a lot of information that I just heard today from all of you. There are also questions that I cannot answer. related parties so that I can get as clear a data as possible," he said.

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