
JAKARTA - The Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) noted that it received 375 reports related to illegal investments, including those involving Indra Kenz and Doni Salmanan. From the report, the number of transactions reached Rp. 8.267 trillion.

"There are 375 reports that PPATK has received and the number of transactions related to illegal investments from parties related to sunmod alkes, forex, fireblast, the affiliate earlier was more than IDR 8.267 trillion," said PPATK Head Ivan Yustiavadana to reporters, Thursday, 10 March.

Then, in a series of handling cases of illegal investment, PPATK has frozen 121 accounts. Thus, the total frozen funds were around Rp. 355 billion.

"That amount has now reached more than IDR 353 billion, so it's almost IDR 355 billion. We have stopped that based on the reports that PPATK received," said Ivan.

In fact, based on the search results, PPATK also found transactions from abroad. Either from Indonesia to abroad or vice versa.

"Those overseas are Singapore, Australia, and America. Then, China," said Ivan.

With these findings, INTRAC will continue to explore various suspicious transactions related to illegal investments. So, it is possible that new facts will be obtained.

"PPATK continues to strive to protect the public interest, PPATK seeks to prevent this case from happening again in the future and PPATK hopes that the public is more aware of the potential for fraud," said Ivan.

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