
PASAMAN BARAT - The government of West Pasaman Regency in West Sumatra Province decided not to extend the earthquake emergency response period which ended. Barat Hamsuardi at Simpang Empat, Thursday, March 10. He said the local government would still help meet the basic needs of residents affected by the earthquake during the transition period. Antara. During the transition period, according to him, the regional government will prepare temporary shelters for residents whose houses were severely damaged by the earthquake and provide tents for residents whose houses have minor to moderate damage. from the government, PMI, Scouts, and volunteers who have started making t is temporary shelter," he said. In addition, the Regent said the local government was continuing to collect data on the condition of houses damaged by the earthquake. The data will later be used as the basis for distributing housing repair assistance. "So far, the data collection has reached 90 percent. We will continue to do data collection during the transition period, which can take three months or be extended," said Hamsuardi.

Data on houses damaged by the earthquake will then be verified and then submitted to the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB). The central government will then provide assistance to repair heavily damaged houses, the provincial government will help repair moderately damaged houses, and the district government will assist with repairs. houses were lightly damaged. In addition to causing 11 deaths, the earthquake in West Pasaman caused damage to 2,025 houses, 75 educational facilities, 18 health facilities, 40 places of worship, and 42 government facilities. Kinali, and Pasaman District.

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