
JAKARTA - The Surabaya City Government has prepared thousands of scholarship quotas for students who memorize the holy book for kindergarten, elementary, and junior high school levels in the City of Heroes, East Java.

Head of the Surabaya City Education Office (Dispendik) Yusuf Masruh in Surabaya, Thursday, said that currently there are 1,792 students in Surabaya who have registered to take part in the Selection of Scholarship Reception for Students Memorizing the Bible. Meanwhile, the quota provided is 1,160 students.

"This step is the mission of the Surabaya City Government to realize superior human resources, have character, and are religious, and cultured within the framework of diversity," said Yusuf, Thursday, March 10.

He said that with the scholarship for memorizing the holy book, it is hoped that it will give birth to a golden generation who loves and practices the holy book in their daily lives.

"With a noble endeavor to give appreciation to students in the city of Surabaya, this program can continue to be carried out so that it has a positive impact on scholarship recipients," he said as quoted from Antara.

Meanwhile, the Management of the Surabaya City Inter-Church Deliberation Board (Bamag) Yordan M. Batara-Goa said this scholarship program for memorizing the holy book was very good, because the Surabaya City Government tried to protect all religions.

"This is a reflection of the implementation of Pancasila in our country, that the government is really trying so that all religions are considered, protected, and also appreciated," he said.

According to him, this program should be a model for other regions, so that Pancasila can be implemented properly. Therefore, Bamag Surabaya appreciates the steps taken by the Surabaya City Government regarding the scholarship program.

"Although the tradition of memorizing scriptures is not dominant in our place, we are looking for other alternatives. In the end, memorizing verses or memorized scriptures is the most usable solution, according to the learning materials that are followed and adapted to the school curriculum," he said.

The selection of scholarships for Bible memorization students, which was opened by Surabaya Mayor Eri Cahyadi at Graha Bunda Paud, Wednesday (9/3), was attended by representatives from each religion, namely Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism. .

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