
JAKARTA - Chairman of the National Commission for Human Rights (Komnas HAM) Ahmad Taufan Damanik said his party needed arguments from credible legal experts to declare the murder case of human rights activist Munir Said Thalib a gross violation of human rights.

“Usually, heavy human rights have massive victims. Are there legal arguments from credible legal experts? If there is, for example, we will knock on the hammer and say this is a serious human rights violation," said Taufan Damanik, as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, March 9.

Taufan said that currently Komnas HAM has formed a team led by Komnas HAM Commissioner Beka Ulung Hapsara to gather legal arguments indicating that there were gross human rights violations in the Munir murder case.

After having a strong argument, this case can go up to investigation based on Law No. 26 of 2000 regarding the process of resolving cases of gross human rights violations.

In the process of resolving cases of gross human rights violations in accordance with Law 26/2000, Komnas HAM will conduct a pro-justitia investigation through an ad hoc team investigating cases of alleged gross human rights violations.

Projustitia investigations will involve witnesses, victims, or anyone with knowledge to be examined by Komnas HAM.

"It's a long process. But that's nothing to worry about. We're just going through this stage," he said.

Taufan said that his party cannot declare that the Munir murder case is a gross violation of human rights in a plenary session if an investigation has not been carried out.

"We must understand that our position as commissioners must be responsible for every decision," he said.

However, he repeatedly emphasized that the Munir murder case would not expire even though 18 years had passed since the incident.

"It can still go on. There is no expiration," said Taufan.

Therefore, he hopes that the community can continue to assist Komnas HAM in strengthening its arguments so that the Munir murder case can be resolved immediately.

"There is no commissioner who does not agree that this is a serious human right," said Taufan.

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