
JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria explained the reason why DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan filed an appeal against the decision of the Jakarta State Administrative Court (PTUN) regarding the dredging of the Mampang River.

Riza said that the appeal was intended so that the PTUN panel of judges could issue a wiser decision based on the consideration of the data submitted by the DKI Provincial Government.

"We provide input, data, actual facts through appeals. That is the mechanism that exists for us to be able to submit existing facts and data. So that later judges can make wiser decisions," said Riza at DKI City Hall, Central Jakarta. , Wednesday, March 9th.

Riza also denied the notion that Anies filed an appeal only to clear his image of the defeat of the case that was sued by the residents of the Mampang River flood victims.

"It has nothing to do with imaging. Is the Mampang River affair just an image? Right, we haven't appealed the previous cases," he said.

For information, Anies filed an appeal against the case number 205/G/TF/2021/PTUN.JKT on Sealsa, March 8, 2022. This case was sued by residents of the Mampang River flood victims in August 2021.

Until finally, the PTUN issued a decision that sentenced Anies to dredging the Mampang River all the way to the Pondok Jaya area, which has not yet been completed. In addition, Anies also had to build sheet piles on the river around Pela Mampang Village.

Head of the DKI Jakarta Legal Bureau, Yayan Yuhanah, explained that Anies filed an appeal because he considered the judges' considerations in issuing a decision related to the dredging of the Mampang River to be inaccurate.

"We are submitting an appeal because in some cases there are considerations of the PTUN panel of judges which in our opinion are not very careful, so they need to be reviewed in the appeal process," Yayan said in a short message.

According to Yayan, the PTUN panel of judges, in their decision, one of them did not consider the dredging work of the Mampang River, which was partly done by the DKI Provincial Government before the decision was issued.

"What needs to be reviewed is, among other things, looking at the documents that we have submitted regarding the implementation of river dredging in several locations that have been completed and other flood management activities that have not been considered by the PTUN judges.

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