
JAKARTA - Kapolsek Sawah Besar Kompol Maulana Mukarom explained, from the statement of the suspect with the initials MA, the rape of AW (19) was carried out when the victim was unconscious.

"Rape when (the victim) fainted according to the suspect's statement," said Kompol Maulana to VOI, Wednesday, March 9.

According to Kompol Maulana, the suspect raped the victim in a boarding room on the 2nd floor, Jalan Mangga Besar, Sawah Besar District, Central Jakarta, on Thursday, March 3, evening.

The suspect did not know whether the victim had fainted or not.

"The suspect raped her when she was strangling for about 5 minutes, then (the victim) was raped," he said.

Based on the results of the investigation, the suspect raped the victim once. The incident happened on Thursday night.

"The results of the suspect's statement, the incident took place at night. After raping the victim, the suspect immediately left the victim in a state of half wearing clothes," he said.

Previously, AW (19), a resident of a boarding house in Mangga Dua Selatan Village, became a victim of rape and was killed. The victim was found dead on Friday, March 4, in the afternoon, around 15.00 WIB.

The head of RT 01, Kamarut Zaman, said the victim was first known to have died by his brother.

The discovery of the body began when AW did not answer his brother's phone. The victim did not reply to a text message from his brother.

The victim's sister then immediately came to AW's boarding house. When he entered the boarding house, the victim's sister found AW dead.

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