
JAKARTA - The National Mandate Party (PAN) is rumored to be getting ministerial and deputy ministerial seats in the upcoming cabinet reshuffle. Rumors abound that President Jokowi will hold a cabinet reshuffle in March 2022.

In response, the Deputy Treasurer of the PAN DPP General Treasurer Tengku Rizki Aljupri said his party had not heard the news.

"We just heard the news from the media yesterday," said Rizki when confirmed, Wednesday, March 9.

Not Chairman Zulkifli Hasan, recently the name of the Secretary General of PAN Eddy Soeparno who is predicted to be appointed to fill an empty seat in the cabinet. Regarding the news, Rizki admitted that Eddy was indeed one of the best PAN cadres.

"As the Secretary General of the PAN DPP and also the Chairman of Commission 7 of the DPR RI, he is one of the best cadres that PAN currently has," he said.

However, Rizki said that PAN had not yet chosen the names that would be proposed as ministers or deputy ministers. According to him, the matter of the minister is the authority of President Jokowi.

"There is no fixed name yet. Regarding the reshuffle, it is entirely the prerogative of the President," he said.

Deputy Secretary General of the National Awakening Party (PKB) Luqman Hakim said the National Mandate Party (PAN) will get one cabinet minister and deputy minister in a cabinet reshuffle which will reportedly be carried out at the end of March. This is based on information received by Luqman.

"The news about coffee shops is (cabinet reshuffle) at the end of March. PAN will get one minister plus one deputy minister," Luqman told reporters, Wednesday, March 9.

Luqman did not explain further the source of the information he received regarding the cabinet reshuffle. He admitted that he had not received any information regarding the positions of ministers and vice ministers that would be filled by PAN cadres.

"But we don't know for sure when and in what position, it's still in the news," concluded the Deputy Chairman of Commission II of the DPR.

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