
BATAM - Batam Mayor Muhammad Rudi stated, the peak of the COVID wave in his area had been passed following the sloping of cases.

"We are already at the peak and we have gone down. Today there are 1,286 active cases. Yesterday, it reached 2,500," said Muhammad Rudi as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, March 8.

The decline in the number of COVID-19 transmissions was also followed by various government policies to ease community activities.

Rudi stated that residents were able to carry out worship activities in the month of Ramadan but still with the recommended health protocols. "Don't forget to wear a mask," he said.

Meanwhile, in the Batam City COVID-19 Task Force report today, it was stated that there were an additional 93 positive people, 114 people recovered, and three died.

"The cure rate is 92.91 percent, the death rate is 2.88 percent and the active case rate is 4.21 percent," the task force said.

COVID-19 has spread to the buffer islands of Batam City. Of the three buffer sub-districts is the yellow zone. While the main island, out of nine sub-districts, only one has an orange zone, namely Lubukbaja. In addition, it is in the COVID-19 red zone.

In the Task Force report, it is stated that the results of the assessment of the COVID-19 situation as of March 6, 2022 are level 3.

Meanwhile, vaccination was considered adequate because it reached 115.28 percent of the population for the first dose.

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