
JAKARTA - Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Monday that the task of carrying out special military operations in Ukraine would only involve professional military members. Conscripted soldiers did not participate in the operation and will not exist in the future.

In his congratulations on International Women's Day, March 8, President Putin addressed the relatives of soldiers who are now participating in special military operations.

"I want to speak to the mothers, wives, sisters, brides and girlfriends of our soldiers and officers who are now defending Russia during special military operations. I understand how you worry about your loved ones and close ones. Proud of them, just as the whole country is proud of you." on them and worry about them," he said, according to Sputnik News March 8.

I want to emphasize, active duty soldiers do not and will not participate in hostilities. And there will be no additional backup calls," he said.

"The tasks assigned are carried out only by professional soldiers. I am sure they will ensure security and peace for the Russian people," said President Putin.

It is known that President Putin gave permission for special military operations in Ukraine from February 24, with the main goal, he said, to protect "people who have been subjected to discrimination and genocide by the Kiev regime for eight years." President Putin also said that he would not occupy territory in Ukraine.

Meanwhile, the Russian Defense Ministry said the Armed Forces only targeted military infrastructure and Ukrainian troops, and did not threaten civilians. With the support of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, militia groups DPR (Donetsk People's Republic) and LPR (Lugansk People's Republic) also took part in the fighting.

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