
KENDARI - The Mayor of Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, Sulkarnain Kadir said that his party has no plans to block every point on the city's border ahead of Ramadan 2022. Our COVID-19 has gone down very far," he said in Kendari, Tuesday, March 8. According to the mayor, the isolation policy was abolished ahead of Ramadan this year because the pandemic conditions in the area are currently under control. "Thank God we have brought 200 active cases. From the total number, it has touched the 1,800 figure this morning," he said. He predicts, if people are really disciplined in implementing the main 5M health protocol, namely wearing masks, maintaining distance, diligently washing hands, reducing mobility, and staying away from crowds, a pandemic will occur in the world. that area can have zero cases. "In fact, my prediction is that we can maintain this community discipline and we will continue to boost the vaccination program. "We will continue to try to maintain the situation, not only in terms of protecting the public from the COVID-19 pandemic and the new variant of Omicron, but also ensuring that the economy continues to run.

"This is what we are currently communicating to the central government because of course we also have to maintain the situation and condition of the community so that the economy continues and we can protect the community against the potential for contracting or being exposed to COVID-19," said Mayor Kendari Sulkarnain. Kendari City Rahminingrum said that currently there were 1,814 COVID-19 cases in the area with details of 1,637 recovered cases, 175 active cases and two deaths as of March 7, 2022. distance, washing hands, avoiding crowds and reducing mobility, so that we minimize COVID-19 cases in Kendari," he said. new Omicron.

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