
PALEMBANG - The perpetrators of the online motorcycle taxi hijacking in Palembang, South Sumatra were apparently carried out by five people, aka five very young children, aka teenagers. This was revealed after the police arrested the five perpetrators.

The five perpetrators had the initials AF (14), AK (15), AF (15), RA (15) and MAF (16). They were arrested at their respective homes in Palembang, on the evening of Sunday, March 6th.

Head of Palembang Polrestabes Kombes Mokhamad Najib said the burglary took place on Jalan AKBP Cek Agus, Ilir Timur III District on Sunday, February 20 in the morning at around 03.00 WIB.

The perpetrators of the robbery carried out their actions by grabbing the motorbike of the victim with the initials N (43) who was passing alone on the road.

Then, after being grabbed, one of the perpetrators slashed a sharp weapon in the form of a sword, sadistically getting N's head and left arm more than once.

So, he continued, as a result of the sharp weapon slashing victim N, who was about to return to his home after dropping off his passenger, fell down and suffered serious injuries to the head.

"The victim was stabbed in the head twice so that the victim's helmet broke and the victim's head was stabbed," he said accompanied by the Head of the IT II Police, Kompol Yuliansyah.

According to him, the victim, who had fallen from his motorbike, still had time to try to take the sword from the hands of the AF perpetrator (14) but the resistance failed because the victim's condition was weak. one unit of gadget and wallet containing his STNK and IDR 500 thousand in cash.

The victim, who was already weak, was then rushed to the nearest hospital by passers-by for intensive treatment.

Meanwhile, Najib also appealed to all parents to better supervise and nurture their teenage sons and daughters to avoid committing crimes. In addition, it also expects people to avoid going home until late at night.

"Because we, the police, make sure to take firm action against any criminals, especially those who have harmed or injured other people," he said.

Apart from arresting the perpetrators, the police also confiscated evidence in the form of an iron-handled sword, a helmet from the victim, two motorbikes from the perpetrator, and a device belonging to the perpetrator.

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