
JAKARTA - Golkar politician, Azis Samual is still silent regarding the case of beating the General Chair of the Indonesian Youth National Committee (KNPI) Haris Pertama, even though he has been a suspect and detained for five days.

"Azis Samual has not made any progress yet. He is still silent," said the Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes E. Zulpan to reporters, Monday, March 7.

However, investigators said he did not bother. This is because investigators have sufficient evidence to make Azis a suspect.

"It means he did not mention other names, we have evidence of his connection and involvement although he denies," Zulpan said.

While regarding the suspicion that another party gave orders to Azis Samual, Zulpan could not explain. Because, Azis still chooses to keep his mouth shut during the examination.

"We are focusing on his involvement in ordering the actions of other executors," said Zulpan. Previously, the Polda Metro Jaya named Golkar politician Azis Samual as a suspect in the case of beating the chairman of the Indonesian Youth National Committee (KNPI), Haris Pertama. The determination of the suspect is based on the results of the examination and the title of the case, on March 2.

"The results of the investigator's examination have determined AS (Azis Samual, ed) as a suspect," said Zulpan

The involvement of Azis Samual in this case is known based on the statements of other suspects who have been arrested. So, an examination was carried out and finally determined him as a suspect.

"The results of the examination of the five people (suspects, ed) then developed into the summons of the US," said Zulpan.

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