
JAKARTA - That morning, Jaelani, a member of Babinsa 1 Kelurahan Kapuk Koramil 04 Cengkareng Kodim 0503/West Jakarta, together with his colleagues from Satpol PP officers and the police were busy on the streets of the capital distributing masks to residents.

The light of the sun, which was not too hot at 07.00 WIB, did not dampen the enthusiasm of Jaelani and his colleagues for activities. After distributing masks, Jalenai did not go home immediately. He plans to stop by his target area in the Kapuk area, West Jakarta.

There, Jaelani just wanted to mingle with residents while enjoying a cup of black coffee ordered from a stall she subscribed to. Jaelani ordered a cup of coffee immediately.

After a while after ordering black coffee, the cell phone in his trouser pocket vibrated. It turned out that the call that morning came from a wife from the head of RT 12/13 Kapuk Village.

"'Sir, please someone get stabbed," said Jaelani imitating the conversation during various stories

at the Kodim Headquarters 0503/ West Jakarta quoted from Antara, Monday, March 7. Suddenly Jaelani was shocked by the news. Not having time to wait for the black coffee to arrive, he immediately stepped on the gas with his motorbike and headed for the house of Mr. RT.

During the trip, Jaelani's head was jumbled thinking about what really happened there. Every corner of the alley that he passed was always accompanied by the question of why and why in mind.

Until finally Jaelani arrived in front of Mr. RT's house. After parking the motorbike, he saw blood splattered in front of the RT head's house. However, this did not necessarily prevent him from exploring the location to ask what really happened.

Jaelani asked the wife of the head of the RT regarding the whereabouts of the stabbing victim. The mother only replied that the victim had been rushed to the hospital on a motorbike.

But the problem doesn't always end there. Apparently, the perpetrator of the stabbing is still at the scene.

"Please sir, the perpetrator is still at home holding a knife," said Jaelani, imitating information from the wife of the local RT chairman.

Jaelani then saw the house of the perpetrator referred to by the wife of the head of the RT. He along with several residents began to walk toward the house.

His every step was filled with fear, worried that he would be hurt or even die. Who would have thought this would be his last day wearing the official uniform.

When the fear hit, he occasionally saw the striped shirt he was wearing. Instantly a Babinsa's moral burden struck him which pushed him to keep going against fear.

"As Babinsa, we wear striped clothes and people want to ask for help, like it or not, we will help," he said.

"Well, the point is, if we don't get killed, we just kill the point," he added.

Jaelani, assisted by a resident named Taufik, then entered the terraced house where the perpetrator named Saepudin lived. But in the basement he did not find anyone.

But Jaelani heard footsteps coming from the attic. He rushed upstairs and found Saepudin was in the attic. While frowning and squinting, Jaelani tried to remember the details of the event.

In Jaelani's memory, Saepudin stood wearing a black jacket. The young man's eyes were blank as he held a bloodstained knife pointing downwards.

Seeing these conditions, Jaelani racked her brains looking for ways to catch the perpetrators. He finally tried to talk to the perpetrator.

"Sir, let's go down, we'll talk about it properly. Everything can be resolved properly. Let's throw away the weapon, throw it away. I said so," explained Jaelani imitating his words to the perpetrator.

Saepudin seemed unmoved, even the words of persuasion did not weaken his left fist and threw the knife.

But after a while, Saepudin agreed to come down from the attic using a wooden ladder. The kitchen knife was still tightly gripped as he descended the stairs.

Suddenly Jaelani asked the head of the RT and his wife who was near the location to stay away to anticipate resistance by the perpetrators.

Jaelani is left with Taufik who is still waiting downstairs. After reaching the last step, Jaelani immediately asked Taufik to arrest Saepudin.

"Pull Fik," said Jaelani explaining her instructions to Taufik.

At the same time, Jaelani's right hand immediately grabbed the left wrist of the perpetrator who was holding the knife. Meanwhile, Jaelani's left hand was holding Saepudin's neck.

The perpetrator, who was in a supine condition, then rebelled when Jaelani held him. But after a while, the perpetrator's left hand grip began to relax and the kitchen knife was released.

Jaelani saw that the perpetrator had almost lost consciousness because he was holding his neck too hard. After Jaelani's hand removed the perpetrator's neck, Jaelani immediately tied the victim's hands with a rope.

The perpetrators were then taken into custody by residents and taken to the Cengkareng Police for further questioning. After finishing with the perpetrator's business, Jaelani climbed the attic of the house where the perpetrator was standing.

Apparently, he found one victim lying in the attic with a stab wound to the chest. He also tried to help the victim to be taken to the nearest hospital. Jaelani feels that she is only carrying out her duties as Babinsa. He did not expect more to be appreciated by the citizens.

However, his heroic actions actually reached the ears of the Commander of Korem 052/Wijayakrama Brigadier General Rano Maxim Adolf Tilaar.

Because of his heroic actions, Jaelani received a certificate of appreciation from Rano in a ceremony held at the Kodim 0503/West Jakarta headquarters.

"We give a reward to the person concerned, meaning that the officer is brave in carrying out his duties," said Rano to the media crew.

Rano also praises Jaelani's courage for risking her life to save her citizens. Therefore, he did not hesitate to give a certificate of appreciation to Jaelani.

Rano hopes that the awarding of awards to its members can inspire the spirit of Babinsa members in all sub-districts to be more enthusiastic in serving the residents.

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