
MEDAN - A team from the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Kisaran Kota Police arrested a man with the initials G alias FS (20). This man was arrested for burning his older sister named Velmi Devita Dela Sinaga (22) to death.

The Asahan Police Chief, AKBP Putu Yudha Prawira, said the incident occurred on Tuesday, March 1 morning.

"At that time, the perpetrator, GS, heated the motorbike after he bought Ertalite and stored it in the kitchen of the house. Then the perpetrator helped his father repair the zinc in the house," said AKBP Putu, Monday, March 7.

Then when it rained, said AKBP Putu, the father of the perpetrator and the victim went to pick up the children from school. At that time, the perpetrator cleaned the brush using pertalite type oil in the back bathroom.

"When the perpetrator was painting his room, the victim came and asked where the motorcycle keys were. The perpetrator then replied that he had forgotten and asked the victim to find the key," he said.

However, according to AKBP Putu, the victim kept asking this question repeatedly. This irritates the perpetrator.

"Feeling annoyed, the perpetrator took Pertalite type fuel oil which was previously stored by the perpetrator in the kitchen and then went to the victim who was sitting on the sofa chair in the living room and poured it on the victim's body," he explained.

After pouring fuel on the victim's body, the perpetrator then took a piece of paper from the cupboard and lit the stove in the kitchen.

"Then come to the victim with fire on paper and then throw the paper fire at the victim so that the fire burns the victim's body," he said.

"When the fire started, the victim's siblings and mother tried to extinguish the fire by taking water to the bathroom," he continued.

The victim was immediately taken to the hospital for treatment. A few days later, the victim was finally referred to a hospital in Medan City for further treatment.

"The victim was declared dead on Sunday, March 6, 2022 at around 13.00 WIB," said AKBP Putu.

The Kisaran Kota Police ordered personnel to investigate the incident. The perpetrator was arrested.

"Meanwhile, the evidence that was secured was in the form of 1 empty bottle of mineral water used as fuel for pertalite oil and 1 sofa chair that had been burned," he explained.

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