
JAKARTA - Secretary of the Directorate General of Public Health of the Ministry of Health, Siti Nadia Tarmizi, revealed that active cases of COVID-19 in Indonesia began to consistently decline this month.

On Tuesday, March 1, the number of cases still being treated or isolated reached 568,276 cases. Then as of Sunday, March 6, active cases stood at 475,951 cases.

"From Tuesday to Sunday, active COVID-19 cases in Indonesia have consistently shown a downward trend and now the figure is below 500,000 cases per day", Nadia said in a statement, Monday, March 7.

The decline in active cases is indicated by the increase in the number of recovered cases, which is higher than new cases. Nadia revealed that the current cure rate is consistently increasing.

The number of patients who recovered per day reached 49,080 people, an increase from yesterday's 46,669 people. Meanwhile, today's confirmed cases also fell to 24,867 cases, lower than yesterday's increase of 30,156 cases.

"This first week in March, national health resilience in the midst of a pandemic has consistently shown an improvement trend", said Nadia.

"This is driven by active cases which have started to fall since early March and the recovery rate which continues to rise every day. Hopefully, we can maintain this trend so that we can get through this pandemic together", he continued.

In addition to active cases and cure rates which show a positive trend, Nadia said the number of patient care is still under control.

The occupancy of isolation and intensive beds for COVID-19 treatment today reached 29 percent of the total national capacity. This figure is down from the position of 31 percent as of yesterday.

Furthermore, Nadia said the government is committed to maintaining national health service facilities and narrowing the space for the spread of the virus through testing, tracing, and treatment to control the pandemic.

"It is hoped that community collaboration can be realized through their willingness to do testing, tracing, tightening health protocols, and defending themselves through complete and booster vaccinations", he concluded.

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