
JAKARTA - A video circulated of an elementary school child who could not get an injection when he was about to be vaccinated against COVID-19. This video has since gone viral on social media.

This video was also shared by the Twitter account of a music group from Jatinangor, The Panturas. They wrote down the word "Busoshoku Haki" accompanied by a thumbs up emoticon.

The viral video was originally uploaded to the @alfajri221810 account, Saturday, March 5. In his post, it appears an elementary school student who cannot be injected while vaccinating against COVID-19.

The narration in the upload says that the vaccine recipients are children of the Outer Baduy tribe. They cannot be injected because they are equipped with immune knowledge by their parents.

"Banten Provincial Health Office has difficulty injecting vaccines to Outer Baduy Tribe children because many children are provided with immune knowledge by their parents," the account wrote.

Many netizens responded to this video. They seemed amazed by the events that occurred in the video.

"It's like Superman just being cut and even bent," wrote the account @Akhlis_M.

"The forerunner of a great army," said the account @gorengankruncy.

However, there are Twitter users who doubt that the child is from the Baduy Tribe. According to him, Baduy children, both outside and inside, are not allowed to go to school.

"Is that really the Baduy tribe?" Twitter account @IbnuSholh.

"As far as I know the Baduy, outside or inside, they can't go to school, but why are they wearing uniforms. Oh, Twitter, oh Twitter," chirped @Hensshin.

The Banten Provincial Health Office (Dinkes) denied that the vaccination was carried out in their area. Currently, the Banten Health Office has not yet stepped in to help vaccinate children aged 6-12 years.

"What is certain is that this is not done by the Banten Provincial Health Office team, because we haven't gone down to help districts/cities vaccinate children aged 6-12 years," said Head of Banten Health Office, Ati Pramuji, to VOI, Sunday, March 6.

He also said that his party had coordinated with the Head of the Lebak Health Office regarding the vaccination of school children claimed by Baduy residents, Lebak Regency. It is known that no vaccination activities have been carried out by the Lebak Health Office or health centers in Baduy.

"We are still exploring the puskesmas around Baduy," he said.

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