
JAKARTA - Daily Chief of the National Police Commission (Kompolnas) Benny Mamoto encouraged the police to use scientific crime investigation (CSI) in investigating the human cage case at the house of the inactive Regent of Langkat, North Sumatra.

According to him, the use of CSI can strengthen investigators in terms of evidence. If the witness lies, it can be proven by the scientific-based investigation.

"In this case, it is necessary to prove the evidence to link the evidence used to commit violence with the perpetrator. If the perpetrator lies or evades, then a scientific examination can be used," said Benny, quoted by Antara, Saturday, March 5.

In this case, Kompolnas asked for the results of an investigation related to the involvement of unscrupulous officers so that the findings of Komnas HAM could be disclosed in a transparent manner.

Kompolnas encourages the North Sumatra Police to follow up on Komnas HAM's findings.

"Especially for the alleged involvement of individual members of the National Police so that the results are disclosed transparently and action is taken according to the evidence obtained based on applicable regulations," said Benny.

Benny is of the view that the case of human cages at the house of the former Langkat Regent. The publication of the Warin Angin Plan is a momentum for the regional government to allocate the regional revenue and expenditure budget (APBD) to build a rehabilitation center for drug addicts under the guidance of the National Narcotics Agency.

"This is a good momentum for all levels of local government, that the community needs rehabilitation homes so that they can allocate their APBD to build rehabilitation homes fostered by BNN so that people do not have to go far to rehabilitate children or their relatives who are addicted to drugs," said the former Deputy for Eradication The National Narcotics Agency (BNN).

The discovery of a human cage in the house of the inactive Langkat Regent was the result of the KPK's arrest operation some time ago.

Meanwhile, Komnas HAM found a number of allegations of human rights violations, such as violent practices or what could be called slavery due to employing someone without a permit to comply with applicable regulations.

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