
JAKARTA - Main Expert Staff of the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) Wandy Tuturoong said that if the Head of the Archipelago State Capital Authority (IKN) had a wide network to international institutions and the financial sector, it would provide added value in supporting the effectiveness of IKN development. he continued, it was needed because the majority of IKN development budget sources came from Government and Business Entity Cooperation (PPP) and investment, to minimize the use of the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN).

"That will be a plus," said Wandy, quoted by Antara in Jakarta, Saturday, March 5.

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) on February 22, 2022 said as much as 80 percent of the IKN Nusantara development budget comes from the PPP scheme and direct investment, while the remaining 20 percent is estimated from the APBN. As much as 20 percent of the funding allocation from the APBN is intended to build core government areas, such as the Presidential Palace and ministerial/institutional buildings.

Furthermore, according to Wandy, another important thing in establishing the IKN Authority is the system and institutional structure because the work stages of moving and building IKN Nusantara will be very complex.

“The important thing is that the system and structure prepared at the IKN Authority can carry out these functions. So even though leadership is important, what is equally important is that the organizational system can answer the complex challenges in the development and transfer of IKN,” explained Wandy.

The system and institutional structure of the IKN Authority will be regulated in a presidential regulation (perpres) regarding the IKN Authority as a derivative regulation of Law (UU) Number 3 of 2022 concerning the State Capital (IKN).

Wandy estimates that a presidential decree regarding the IKN Authority will be issued in the not too distant future, with the issuance of a presidential decree (keppres) regarding the appointment of the head of the IKN authority.

Regarding the head of the IKN authority, he said there was a possibility that the leader of the IKN organizer would be sworn in by President Jokowi next week, but he could not confirm it specifically.

The government previously stated that in the near future nine derivative regulations from the IKN Law would be issued.

Some of the derivative regulations, among others, will concern the structure and procedures for administering the regional government specifically for IKN Nusantara, as well as the preparation, construction and relocation of the state capital.

Then, there are also derivative regulations regarding the organizational structure, duties, authorities, and working procedures of the Archipelago Capital Authority, details of the master plan for the State Capital to the funding for the preparation, development, and relocation of the national capital.

The stages of moving and developing the Nusantara IKN will be carried out in stages until they are completed in 2045.

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