
SOLO - The number of residents of two centralized isolation places in Solo City has begun to decline along with the increasing number of recoveries of COVID-19 sufferers.

"Isoter (centralized isolation) in Ndalem Priyosuhartan and Graha Wisata has decreased a lot since two days ago," said Head of the Surakarta City Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Nico Agus Putranto in Solo, quoted by Antara, Friday, March 4.

According to him, when compared to last week, today there has been a significant decrease in the occupancy rate.

BPBD Surakarta recorded as of Friday (25/2) the number of residents at Graha Wisata Niaga was 21 people. This figure has decreased when compared to today as many as six people.

Furthermore, for the centralized isolation location in Ndalem Priyosuhartan on Friday (25/2) last week there were 15 people, while today it decreased to seven people.

He said that on average, COVID-19 sufferers who enter this centralized isolation location will isolate for about ten days.

"Thank God, there has been no news in the last two days," he said.

Meanwhile, for special centralized isolation for health workers stationed at the Smart Hotel Office on Jalan MT Haryono, it has started to fill up.

"Last Wednesday, we arrived, there were four people from the health center at the puskesmas," he said.

He said the mechanism for the entry of COVID-19 sufferers in centralized isolation for the community and health workers was no different.

"If the isoter mechanism is the same, it's still a recommendation from the DKK," he said.

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