
ACEH - The Aceh government will in the near future provide transportation to pick up and pick up State Extraordinary School (SLBN) students in Aceh Barat Daya (Abdya) District.

"After we see the conditions on the ground, God willing, we will try to get a shuttle car for these SLB students," said Head of the Aceh Education Office Alhudri after attending a virtual remembrance with the Aceh Regional Secretary at the SLB in Abdya Regency, Antara, Friday, March 4.

The Abdya State SLB consists of elementary (SD), middle (SMP), and upper (SMA) levels, with a total number of students reaching 118 people.

Alhudri said the car would later pick up students with special needs so that no more children would be out of school. "Please help our children so that these children can go to school and be independent, for that we have to pick them up. God willing, we will try, but I don't promise," he said.

According to Alhudri, even though they have special needs, they also have advantages that have been ordained by Allah. Therefore they must also have the same rights as other normal children. "It's not easy, but we ask at least our children in this special school can be independent," said Alhudri.

During the visit, Alhudri thanked the teachers and education staff at SLB Negeri Abdya for educating and caring for these students with special needs. Hopefully in the future he will become an independent child.

"We appreciate the teacher's dedication in caring for our children with special needs," said Alhudri.

Meanwhile, the Head of the State Special School, Abdya Murniati, said that she was touched by the plan to give the car to the SLB students.

"We really need an operational car to pick up students from our school," said Murniati.

Previously, Disdik Aceh had also provided four operational cars to pick up SLB students in Singkil, SLB Aceh Tengah, SLB Aceh Timur, SLB Aceh Selatan, and SLB Bireuen.

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