
JAKARTA - Presidential Decree No. 2 of 2022 concerning Sovereignty Enforcement Day or the March 1 General Offensive, has drawn controversy because there is no name for the defeated Suharto, who still holds the rank of Lieutenant Colonel Suharto. Politician Fadli Zon criticized Mahfud MD regarding this Presidential Decree. However, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs has his own arguments.

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD answered Fadli Zon's statement that corrected himself regarding the name of the second President of the Republic of Indonesia, Suharto, which was not included in Presidential Decree No. 2 of 2022 concerning Sovereignty Enforcement Day.

According to Mahfud MD, the determinant of historical truth is not Fadli Zon but historians and academic forums. "There was an explanation from UGM colleagues who confirmed that Presidential Decree 2/2022 did not include Suharto's name in the Presidential Decree. Just read it so that the historical reading is comprehensive," Mahfud explained through his official statement on March 4, as reported by

"Even so, the people of Fadli Zon's voice must be heard together," added Mahfud.

Mahfud MD. (Antara)
Mahfud MD. (Between)

Previously, Gerindra politician and legislator of DPR RI Commission I, Fadli Zon, rebuked Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud Md harshly on Twitter.

Fadli considered Mahfud to have distorted the history of the events of the March 1, 1949 General Offensive.

"Wrong Mr. @mohmahfudmd. In the General Attack on March 1, 1949, Sukarno and Hatta were still in captivity in Menumbing," said Fadli Zon via his Twitter account in response to Mahfud's tweet, Thursday, March 3.

Fadli added that there was no idea of Soekarno and Hatta in the General Offensive on March 1, 1949, so that he called Mahfud wrong.

"The government is led by the PDRI (Indonesian Emergency Government) under Sjafroeddin Prawiranegara. There is no idea from Sukarno and Hatta in this incident. Don't distort history!" Fadli Zon wrote on his twitter account.

Fadli Zon. (Antara)
Fadli Zon. (Between)

Mahfud then responded that, according to him, Presidential Decree 2/2022 concerning the Enforcement of State Sovereignty did not remove Suharto's name from the history of the March 1, 1949 General Offensive.

"The presidential decree is not a history book, but the determination of a crucial historical point. The presidential decree does not eliminate the name Suharto and others in the March 1, 1949 SU," said Mahfud from his Twitter account @mohmahfudmd, Thursday, March 3. As for Mahfud, the role of Mr. Harto in the history of the struggle for Indonesian independence, is still listed in the academic paper of the presidential decree. "Soeharto's name and role are mentioned in the academic presidential decree whose sources are comprehensive," he said. Mahfud reiterated that Pak Harto, Nasution, and others were still listed in the academic paper although not in the March 1 1949 Presidential Decree SU.

It is the same with the text of the 1945 proclamation which only lists Soekarno-Hatta's name, while there are many other founding parents who are not included in the text.

In the preamble, he continued, several names have been written as movers and initiators. "In the preamble the names of HB IX, Soekarno, Hatta and Sudirman, as the initiators and movers," said Mahfud.

Responding to Mahfud MD's statement, Fadli Zon then replied. Not only that, he also mentioned President Jokowi's account. "I have read Presidential Decree No. 2/2022 regarding State Sovereignty Enforcement Day, it should be revised immediately. Historical data is a lot wrong. Apart from eliminating the role of Lieutenant Colonel Suharto as field commander, it also eliminates the role of the Emergency Government of the Republic of Indonesia (PDRI). Fatal. @jokowi @mohmahfudmd ."

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