
JAKARTA - The youngest daughter of the Mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, La Lembah Manah, is undergoing recovery at his residence. The grandson of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has just returned after being hospitalized for dengue fever.

The mother, Selvi Ananda, said that Manah's condition is currently recovering. Mana is starting to be active again.

"Now he is healthy, he is active again," said Selvi, quoted from the Surakarta News YouTube channel, Friday, March 4.

Selvi explained that Manah had been recovering for the past week. In between the process, the doctor conducted regular health checks until finally his platelets rose slowly.

"After coming home from the hospital for 2 days, he was checked, his platelets have slowly gone up. So last week he recovered," he continued.

After treating Manah who was infected with dengue fever, Selvi said that the disease caused by mosquito bites was no less dangerous than COVID-19 if it was experienced by children.

"The dengue fever mosquito is no less dangerous than C0VID-19, especially for children. My son's experience was yesterday," he said.

He reminded parents to be careful about keeping their children clean in the midst of uncertain weather like today. The hot and rainy weather that now often occurs can give rise to many mosquito seeds.

"Moreover, the doctor said that the mosquitoes [often appeared] in the morning or evening. So you have to be even more careful to keep your children clean, especially puddles of water," he concluded.

Previously, Gibran Rakabuming Raka revealed his daughter's condition when she was hospitalized due to dengue fever. Manah had a fever followed by a decrease in platelets.

"I'm waiting for (the Valley), Wednesday, Thursday Friday is a critical period. Dengue fever means the temperature drops when it's critical. So far, it's hot, it keeps getting hot. When the temperature drops, actually during critical times, the platelets drop," said Gibran, Monday, February 21.

However, Manah's critical period had passed. Those admitted to the hospital on Wednesday, February 23, have been allowed to recover their health condition at home three days later.

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