
SAMARINDA - Academics from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Mulawarman Samarinda, East Kalimantan, assessed that the transitional season could encourage an increase in the number of confirmed positive cases of COVID-19. The Head of the Microbiology Laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine, Unmul Kaltim, Dr. Yadi, explained that changes in weather from hot to rainy or from hot to cold could cause conditions to change. a person's body is not primed so it will be easy to contract viruses including the corona virus. “Natural conditions such as weather and climate can indeed affect human life, including health aspects. The spread of COVID-19 will more or less be affected by this condition. So, people must remain alert to the current weather, from hot to cold or rainy weather," said Dr Yadi in Samarinda, Wednesday, March 2. In addition, he continued, the new variant of COVID-19 that is currently spreading (the Omicron variant) spreads faster than Delta.

Therefore, it is estimated that the current weather conditions will greatly affect the spread and transmission of the virus. “In addition to maintaining health protocols, we must also maintain immunity or body resistance. For example, consume nutritious food and if needed take vitamins, and continue to do enough exercise every day. That way, a healthy body condition is able to fight viruses that will enter the body," he explained. That is, it is important for the community to do this prevention in order to keep the spread and transmission from happening for a long time, even disappearing in time. "Regular exercise also makes the body stronger. fresh, and can reduce viruses that will enter the human body, "explained Dr. Yadi.

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