
NTT - The East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Kemenkumham Regional Office (NTT) in 2022 will increase the budget for the program to provide free legal aid services (LBH) for the underprivileged or poor by Rp178.05 million, bringing it to Rp787.050 million.

"The budget allocated for the Regional Office of the Kemenkumham NTT even increased from the previous Rp. 609,000,000 in 2021, to Rp. 787,050,000 in 2022. The budget is divided into two, namely litigation and non-litigation," said Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights NTT Marciana D Jone told reporters at Kupang, Antara, Wednesday, March 2nd.

Marciana explained that the budget for this legal aid organization (OBH) is purely for handling cases. Meanwhile, those related to other financing such as transportation and others are not budgeted.

"So far, OBH has served more in court. OBH should have provided legal assistance starting from the investigation stage, because we prepared the budget starting from investigation, prosecution, trial, appeal, cassation to review," he said.

This OBH is obliged to provide litigation and non-litigation legal assistance to the public. Litigation cases are settled through the courts, while non-litigation cases are settled out of court, for example through negotiation or mediation.

"So far the process has been going well, but the public is more involved in the trial. But sometimes in court the judge is appointed directly if the threat is more than 5 years," explained Marciana.

Meanwhile, people who wish to receive legal assistance must meet the requirements, namely submitting an application orally or in writing containing the identity of the applicant and a brief description of the problem, submitting documents relating to the case and attaching a poverty certificate from the lurah, village head, or other level official. at the place of residence of the applicant for legal aid.

"We go directly to the community to be able to improve the implementation of legal aid as a form of the state's presence in protecting poor people and groups seeking justice. Because every citizen has the same position before the law without exception, which includes the right to be defended, treated equally before the law. law and justice," Marciana said.

Marciana invites residents in NTT to take advantage of legal aid services when dealing with legal issues by completing the existing requirements.

"We also continue to monitor OBH services in the field so that when the service does not run properly, it will be evaluated or further decisive steps will be taken," he said.

Marciana hopes that in the future the accredited OBH in NTT will be able to complete each stage of the case assisting people who are in conflict with the law, from the investigation stage to the completion of the case.

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