
JAKARTA - Commissioner of the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) Choirul Anam said there were six occupants of the cage at the house of the inactive Regent of Langkat Terbit Terbit Warin Angin Plan.

This was conveyed by Anam at the press conference 'Records of Human Cage Violence at the Residence of the Regent of Langkat Off' which was broadcast on the Indonesian National Human Rights Commission's Public Relations YouTube.

"In the beginning there were three victims. After that we proceeded on our own until two weeks ago we received information that the number of victims had increased by three more. So a total of six victims died there," said Anam, Wednesday, March 2.

However, Anam did not yet know the cause of death of the three people who later discovered.

"Whether it was the result of violence, torture, etc. or the result of the actions there or he died because of himself, we have not studied in depth," he said.

Due to this condition, Komnas HAM then handed it over to the police to further investigate the deaths of the six people.

Previously, Yasdad Al Farisi's Analysis of Human Rights Violations revealed that there had been several patterns of violence in the so-called rehabilitation facility, such as the forced pick-up of prospective occupants to violence committed if they went against or violated the rules of the cage management and published.

In addition, there was bullying perpetrated by the occupants of the cage who had been there longer. Yasdad said, violence with high intensity usually occurs in the initial period after the occupants enter or in the first month.

At least, there are 26 forms of torture from the perpetrators. "They were beaten in the ribs, head, face, jaw, lips, slapped, kicked, thrown into a fish pond, soaked, ordered to hang in cages like monkeys or hang monkeys," he said.

It didn't stop there, the new residents were often whipped with a tube, their eyes were taped, their feet were beaten with a hammer or hammer until their nails came off, forced to sleep on leaves or itchy caterpillars, forced to eat chili peppers, and other acts of violence that were not detailed further.

"There are at least 18 tools used in this act of violence, including hoses, chili peppers, itchy caterpillars, leaves, hot iron, candles, lime, salt, melted plastic, hammers or hammers, cigarettes, matches, pliers, bricks, and other tools. stun. Then there are cages and ponds," Yasdad explained.

Furthermore, Komnas HAM also found several terms used in this violent process. "First there is MOS, hanging monkeys, repentance, 2.5 buttons, and washing," he said.

"The physical condition due to this violence has caused scars and wounds that have no trace on the body," concluded Yasdad.

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