
JAKARTA - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) warns that climate change has had an impact on Indonesia's conditions, such as melting ice in Puncak Jaya, Papua, due to rising temperatures and extreme weather trends. virtual reality in Jakarta, Wednesday, March 2, explained that climate change has caused a trend of rising temperatures in Indonesia. "As an impact, it cannot be denied that a lot has happened with conditions in Indonesia, for example the loss or melting of ice in Puncak Jaya, where at this time (temperature) On the surface of the ice at Puncak Jaya, it is already above freezing, about five degrees," he said. Thus, he said, it is certain that in the next few years the ice that is on the top of the highest mountain in Indonesia will disappear. Climate change also has an impact on an increase in the frequency of extreme rain that occurs in many areas in the country. The extreme rain then causes floods and other disasters that have an impact on humans.

He warned that climate change could not only result in excessive rain, but could also potentially lead to extreme droughts. "So that it will have an impact on forest fires, which will have a further impact on transboundary pollution and impact on economic activities, transportation. It can stop or have an impact on health," he said. He explained that BMKG has participated in strengthening climate change adaptation and mitigation measures, including in agricultural activities and the health sector. BMKG has implemented a Climate Field School to help farmers adapt to climate extremes and climate change. This is done so that farmers can adjust their cropping patterns to climatic conditions.

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