
JAKARTA - The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) stated that the existence of a human cage in the house of the Regent of Langkat, has been in existence since 2010. This place was originally intended to foster community organizations (ormas).

However, in the end, this place is not only a place for fostering mass organizations but also for the surrounding community. Thus, this place eventually became two cages.

This was conveyed by Yasdad Al Farisi's Analysis of Human Rights Violations at the press conference 'Records of Human Cage Violence at the Residence of the Regent of Langkat Off' which was broadcast on the Indonesian Human Rights Commission's Public Relations YouTube, Wednesday, March 2.

"This cage or rehab, or coaching place, has been made since 2010 by the Terbit Plan Warin Angin brothers and was originally intended to train members of mass organizations in Terbit Plan's residence area," said Yasad.

"However, the development is not only for members, but for the general public. Initially, there was only one cage and then it was dismantled and two new cages were made below," he added.

Yasad detailed that this cage was filled with 57 people. The details are 30 residents are in the first cage and the rest are in the second cage.

"In this cage, there is a structure in the form of a supervisor, the head of the prison, the head of the room, a security guard or free from cages, and a supervisor or security guard," he explained.

Even so, there has never been a permit application made by Terbit for the place. However, Komnas HAM revealed that the District/City National Narcotics Agency (BNNK) had actually carried out mapping so that the existence of this human cage was known. However, they could not access the place due to difficulties.

"There is no permit to rehabilitate even though a mapping has been carried out by the Langkat BNNK in 2016. A number of agencies and government officials are aware of the existence of this human cage," said Yasad.

"But there is an acknowledgment from BNNK that they have difficulty accessing the cage," he added.

Yasad explained that there were several reasons why local people put their families in the cage for rehabilitation. One of them is the economic factor so they have no other choice.

"There are several family backgrounds putting their members into rehab, including a weak economy, family despair, threats, experiencing threats, and acts of violence. The victim's family has no choice to rehab in another place," he said.

To enter this place, there are a number of documents needed, namely in the form of suggestions or recommendations from other parties. "These include the police, village government structures, and local mass organizations," concluded Yasad.

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